Epistemology is the
study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
It answers the question,
“How do we know?” It encompasses the nature of concepts, the constructing of
concepts, the validity of the sense, logical reasoning, as well as thoughts,
ideas, memories, emotions, and all the things mental. It is concerned with how
our minds are related to reality, and whether theses relationships are valid or
Why is
Epistemology Important?
Epistemology is the
explanation of how we think. It is required in order to be able determine the
true from the false, by determining a proper method evaluation. It is needed in
order to use and obtain Knowledge of the world around us. Without epistemology,
we could not think. More specifically, we would have no reason to believe our
thinking was productive or correct, as opposed to random images flashing before
our mind. With an incorrect epistemology, we would not be able to distinguish
truth from error. The consequences are obvious. The degree to which our
epistemology is correct is the degree to which we could understand reality, and
the degree to which we could use that knowledge to promote our lives and goals.
Flaws in epistemology will make it harder to accomplish anything.
Psychology Defined
Social Psychology
is a formal social science discipline. It has systematic and organized
principles which distinguish its work from the common predictions of others.
Social psychology studies the ways in which a person’s thought, feeling and
behaviours are influenced by others.
psychology is essentially the study of the ways in which people or group of
people relate with others and they in turn are affected by others.
most accepted definition of social psychology is that by Gordon Atilpert
(1968). He defines social psychology as that discipline in which people
attempts to predict how the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals...
influenced by the perceived imagined or implied thoughts feelings and actions
of others. – In the social context in which they find themselves.
subject master of social psychology
psychology tries to unveil and understand the subtlety detail and texture of
social interactions. It tries to understand the forces behind the mass suicides
in Jonestown, Guyana, under the leadership of Reverend Jim Jones.
is the case in the U.S.A of Kitty Genovese, a young woman who was attacked and
brutally murdered before the eyes of more than thirty bystanders. Nobody made
any effort to assist or even call the police. Consequently, experimental social
psychologist analyzed bystander’s intervention in emergencies and the
conditions under which people engage in pro social behaviour. This brings us to
group decision – making and the concept of group dynamics.
psychologists are interested in brainwashing and propaganda and techniques. The
case of the kidnapping of newspaper heirs Palty Hearts is a case in point.
psychologists are interested and concerned about frequency of battered wives
and abused children. They are concerned with how such behaviours can be
psychologists are concerned with the study and understanding of the persistence
of stereotyping perceptive. The cases of minorities and women. Why such gross
oversimplifications and generalizations do persists? Why are they so resistant
to change? This brings us to the study of attitude “formation and attitude
psychologists are interested in the persistence of harmful health practices. In
spite of the continuous almost unabated with new recruits. Why do people
persist in self – destructive behaviours or anti – social behaviours in spite
of the powerfully opposing social, legal, medical and moral pressures?
psychologists are concerned with the effects of the mass media; that is, the
cinema, under what conditions? More importantly, the media is concerned with
that fact that the mass media is capable of stimulating ideas and actions that
might otherwise not have occurred. This brings us to the concept of social
psychologists are interested in the interpersonal attraction. They are
interested in the developments of liking. The list could go forever. This gives
us the idea of the scope of social psychology. It is a very wide area ranging
from the study of attitudes to aggression and so on.
significance of social psychology
According to Fritz
Heider, every one tends to think that they are social psychologist. He goes on
to say that in everyday, life we all form ideas about other people and about
social situations, with varying degrees of success. We interpret other people’s
actions and we try to make predictions as t o their behaviour in a given
situation. Raven and Rubin (1983) also argue that a lot of people make use of
social psychology Principle’s in their daily lives. And when applied by
charismatic, individuals the effect can be far reaching. For example, President
J.F Kennedy of the United States of America used social psychological
principles in creating his cabinet. He also used it to forestall a warlike
confrontation with the Soviet Union then Martin Luther King Junior an America
Civil rights leader also applied Social Psychology skills in his fights for the
integration of blacks in the mainstream American life and to end racial
Yet others have
used social psychological principles in disastrous ways. What comes to mind is
the Guyana incident 1978 in Jonetown involving Jones and members of his
people’s temple. He managed to convince more than 900 followers to commit
suicide by drinking fruit juice laced with cyanide and tranquillizers. Back
home in Nigeria we have seen mass followership of certain individuals in
leadership positions for obvious reason. One may ask, what precipitated the
Watergate scandal? What caused the Nixon administration to undertake the
campaign against the foregoing can be resolved through the study and application
of social psychological principles and skills are useful because of the
following reasons.
Our everyday
knowledge of psychology is imperfect. Therefore we cannot understand and
predict with accuracy. A reasonable number of divorce cases are as a result of
the failure of couples to predict and understand each others behaviours.
Furthermore a lot of programmes aimed at the alleviation of poverty. The
reduction and prevention of crime and developing harmony amongst people have because
failed their originators had an inadequate understanding of the basic
principles of social interaction. Consequently, social psychology helps us to
be accurate in the understanding and predictions of other people’s behaviour.
peoples behaviour more difficult than prediction of the same behaviour. This is
because of the process of interaction is complex. For example, knowing separate
individuals is not the same as knowing how these individuals will interact. Thus
social psychology helps to us to understand relationships which are very useful
in our daily lives.
Knowledge and
application of social psychology can have both positive and disastrous
consequences. Some individuals can use them selfishly or to harm others.
Acquisition of social psychology knowledge and skills allowed wider spread of
these skills and allow better control of our lives and situations.
The acquisition of
social psychology knowledge and has intrinsic value, knowledge of theories and
research can offer the same satisfaction as reading an exciting novel or a well
executed painting.