The social institutions are
necessary in understanding the nature of society because they constitute basic
on social units of the total structure. These institutions as already indicated
include family, government, marriage and kinship
The institution of family has three
important functions, to provide for the rearing off children to provide a sense
of identity belonging among its members; and to foster culture between
Government as a social institution
the government is the institution instructed with making and enforcing the
rules of the society as well as with regulating relations with other societies
Most of the worlds Government fall into one of these categories; Democracy, Republic, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Dictatorship, Democratic
Marriage as a social institution
according to Lowic is defined as denoting those unequivocally sanctioned unions
which persist beyond sexual satisfaction and thus came to underlie family life.
Kinship or kin group as social
institution is concerned with descent i.e. maintaining the genealogical
relationship anchored on the family fundamental social unit.
The family as already indicated
consist of the husband and wife as well as children.