Archive for 2013

The Only Path Through The Wilderness Of Life

Friday, July 05, 2013
Posted by Unknown
The only way to really get through life is to be honest with yourself. That is easier said or written than done or practiced. But, it is the only real way to get through life in a good way.

I can name so many bad ways to get through life, but only that one good way that I mentioned in the first sentence, honesty. Sure, it can seem ridiculous at times and at most times when everything seems to go really bad. I would like to say this though, when you are honest with yourself, you do not have much else to live up to or impress. You just do what needs to be done. Sure, that is simple and succinct seeming.

Can it always be put into practice easily without wanting to take an "easier" way out? I will answer that question momentarily in the next paragraph. Right now, I will explain why honesty with yourself is the easiest way out and the hardest. Sure, we all want a path out of the wilderness without being hurt, messed up or with as little damage as possible, of course. Since, in reality, getting out and surviving whole starts with the resolve to do such a thing, I will say this: You cannot get out unless you accept or take the way out. Hard or easy, effort must be made to get out of a situation.
Text: Prov 27:9—10, 17 Ecc 4:9—12 Amos 3:3


The idea is ancient in all its ramifications, at the creation a man the creator himself described and planned friendship with and for the created man. His loneliness was viewed by the creator as an unpleasant phenomenon. Even after a companion was made by God for Adam, the creator himself cultivated and maintained friendship with humanity i.e. the man and the woman until they were separated by a friend who neither wanted the permanent companion with either of the good friends (Gen. 2:20-25, 3).

Every society experiences a kind of kind of complexity within its social cultural milieu which negatively or positively affects people in their relationship with each other. Friends at some various times play helpful roles with each other as well as exhibiting quite negative dispositions towards one another. Biblically examples are inexustible to wit: Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, could be a positive example while Sampson and Delilah, Ammon and Jonadab epitomise negative influence.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013
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Season we are being robbed
Not by robbers who come in the night
With sorrel souls to have us robbed
Slaying our precious eggs, in our sight
Malicious malignant morbid men
Leave us in morass like Christmas time.

Social Psychology

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Social Psychology Defined
Social Psychology is a formal social science discipline. It has systematic and organized principles which distinguish its work from the common predictions of others. Social psychology studies the ways in which a person’s thought, feeling and behaviours are influenced by others.
Social psychology is essentially the study of the ways in which people or group of people relate with others and they in turn are affected by others.
The most accepted definition of social psychology is that by Gordon Atilpert (1968). He defines social psychology as that discipline in which people attempts to predict how the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals... influenced by the perceived imagined or implied thoughts feelings and actions of others. – In the social context in which they find themselves.  

1.     Definition of Electoral Voting System
2.     The Electoral Voting Process
3.     Characteristics of Electoral Voting System
4.     Types of Electoral voting System
5.     Conclusion 
6.     References 


An electoral system may be defined as a process or method through which the people of a given country elect their representative into different political offices or positions in government. It also includes the conditions and processes for the nomination of candidates for elective posts including procedure and rules of election.
In Nigeria, an electoral commission with different designation is appointed to organise and conduct all elections in the country. For example, Federal Electoral Commission (FEDECO) conducted 1979-83 Second Republic elections. National Electoral Commission (NEC) conducted the 1993 aborted Third Republic elections. Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) conducted the 1999 Fourth Republic elections.

Reasons for the Failure in New Businesses

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
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Many researchers have been conclusive that reasons for small business scale business failures are in most cases attributed to the lack of control of the entrepreneur.
The business failure record published by the United State of America Small Business Administration in 1974 lists major reasons for the failure of new businesses as follows:-
Inadequate Market Knowledge: this includes lack of information about the demand potential for the product or service present and future size of the market, the market share that can realistically be expected and appropriate distribution methods.

Macroeconomics is an aspect of economic study that focuses on the aggregate economic system; Macroeconomics analyzes the economy at a national (or even global) level and is concerned with the economy as a whole. Within macroeconomics there are several schools of thoughts. Each school of thought has unique beliefs and theories about the economy. While each school of thought interprets data differently, each one studies the same characteristics.

"For every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit." - Napolean Hill

Who has the perfect outcome in all situations? No one that I know. We all make plans or have hopes and dreams that don't always end up the way we wish them to. But, that doesn't mean that you aren't on the right path or that things won't ultimately work out in the end regardless of what you are going through.

Many times when going through some adversity or crisis we think it's the end of the world and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. It may very well be the end of something as you once knew it or hoped it would be but it certainly doesn't preclude you from having a life. And a good one at that.

How is it possible for a few people to succeed? How do they survive when other people are overcome by the problem? How do they win when others lose?

The answer is very simple. It is all how does they perceive their problems. They look at the problems realistically and periodically.

If we follow the following six principles, then we can put the problem in a proper perspective.

If we knew them, understand them and practiced them, we would be a winner
Want to know how to learn from failures? Your journey starts this second. The fact that you're reading this article is proof that you're prepared to take on the challenges that you might not want to face. It takes courage for people to realize that they need help on how to learn from failures. And you, my dear friend, have that. Learn from your mistakes and move on with your life starting with these steps.

These theory states the relationship between quoted shares prices and the information published by the group or firm.

A security analysis involves the process of processing information concerning a firm so as to arrive at a point whereby an estimate of return is predicted, and risk characteristics of the security is ascertained. Information is very important, especially when it has to do with the security, stock of a firm. Because whatever is published would be used and relied upon by the general public. In all information, the return on stock or security whether qualitative or quantitative must be indicated. Therefore the risk would be down to the investor.

Do you want to learn how to make money from home online for free? If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. It is interesting to note that there are several sites that offer information on how to make money online. But many of the methods proposed by these websites and blogs require a sizeable initial investment of money before you can start to make any profit from them. In this article you will be presented with 3 hot tips on making money online. These are some of the easiest yet profitable ideas on how to make money from home online for free.

Make Writing Your Hobby

Nobody is born a writer. Even the greatest writers start out small, reading, making diaries and journals. As one finds his strengths and passion, he became aware of the things he does best and those hobbies that give delight in his heart.
Such delight has been giving writers a feeling of satisfaction whenever a reader gave a positive feedback or a published article got likes. A writer can aim to become better in his craft and writing as a hobby can do a lot.
Even unpublished writers must make writing a hobby. I started writing poems, essays and short stories as a starter. Even an average student can do simple writing. In writing, one can pour out unspoken emotions, fear or regret, elusive dreams and anything that's running in your mind.

Here are few tips for parents to strengthen their relationship with their children;

Start early -
Start showing affection at an early age so that your child would not feel awkward if you were to hug them. When you start early, they would be comfortable with you hugging them even though they have grown to be teenagers.

Life is wonderful. Life is great. How blessed are we that we have a new opportunity every 24 hours?! There are no bad days if you keep everything into proper perspective. Be inspired to motivate yourself. There are certain things you can do, on a daily basis, to help you live a positive life.
If you've lost your motivation, how do you get it back? If next to getting out of bed, is the difficulty of getting out of the shower, it could be that you've lost the motivation that you once had for your work.
There are a number of reasons why people lose their motivation. Overwork and lack of proper relaxation probably head the list; but once you've lost it, how do you get it back. How can you recover the enthusiasm you once had when you started?
The answer lies in your perspective. When you first started, you had a dream that consisted not only of what your business could do for you, but also what it might look like: what your office would be like; the number of employees you've have; the respect you'd get from your peers or your family. No doubt, you also yearned for the financial benefits as well, but as you've no doubt discovered, the money alone is a short term motivator.
No, that which has caused you to become demotivated is the your perspective has changed. Instead of seeing the benefits, you've begun to dwell on the cost. You know that you're already giving 100% and may even be working all the hours that you possibly can; but when you hit a plateau despite your best efforts, then it's all too easy to lose your sense of judgment and proportion. It's easy, even comforting in a morbid sort of way, to put it down to some personal inadequacy, and give up.
This is what most people say about goals. "I don't need goals; I'm doing fine."
But the truth is, living your life without goals and objectives is like going from north London to south London on the underground but without use of the underground map with which train to catch in which direction. Hopping on and off station-to-station and hoping for the best. If you are doing well today without written goals and plans, you could probably be doing many times better in the future if you had clear targets to aim at and the ability to measure your progress as you go along.
If you have tried and failed before and look to give it one more try, you have to know your mistakes and learn from it and set realistic and time-bounded goals to make sure you are still in the right track.
Effective GOAL SETTING is essential and a critical step to achieve success. If you want to achieve the end result you have envisioned in your mind whether it be success at a business, the lifestyle you always dreamed of or finally having the financial security for your loved ones. Whatever end result you have, goal setting is necessary to achieving it.
Fortunately, goal setting is a skill, like time management, teaching, selling, managing, or anything else that you need to become a highly productive and effective person. And all skills are learnable. You can learn the skill by practice and repetition until it becomes as easy and as automatic as breathing. And from the very first day that you begin setting goals, the progress you will make and the successes you will enjoy will dazzle you.

Top 5 Carnivorous Plants

Monday, June 24, 2013
Posted by Unknown
People got used to the fact that animals, bird and fish are the only carnivorous species on Earth. In real certain plants can associated with this group of predatory natural beings. Sometimes they even referred to as miracles of Mother Nature. Specifically, the cause of their existence is usually related to the environment plants are distributed in; lack of certain components in the ground preconditioned necessity of hunting and catching flash species, including insects or small animals. There are 450 species of carnivorous plants belonging to 6 families, which can be found all over the world in many different habitats.

How do bees make honey

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A Bee
The first step of the process of making honey is to gather nectar from a large variety of flowers and plants, mostly during summer months. The worker bees are sexually immature females that work intensely to visit the flowers (fruit tree blossoms, dandelions, clovers) and then carry the load of nectar to the bee hive and this strenuous effort costs them their lives, because they live for only six weeks. Plant nectar is a liquid incorporating 80% water, natural complex sugars ( mostly sucrose) and essential amino-acids, including arginine, proline, alanine, isoleucine, serine, valine and glycine. Different kinds of nectar are the primary source used by bees to make honey.After the worker bees have collected the nectars from 150 to 1500 various flowers and stored in their special honey stomach ( separated through a valve from their digestive stomach) they return with their load of nectar to their beehive in order to start the production of honey. They only return when their specialized stomach is full, practically weighing as much as the bee and containing 70 mg of nectars. The field honeybees which have gathered the nectars transfer their load to other hive bees using their tubular, straw-like mouthparts known as proboscis.


Posted by Unknown
As the reproductive organs in the body of a child begin to function, the child develops new interest in matters of s^x and new sensations relative to the reproductive organs (S^x Organs) are very sensitive to stimulation. The mere handling of these organs causes them to respond by a readiness for s*xual activity.
The term masturbation is common among the males and it is developed from the adolescent stage of life whereby a child is dared to know more about the s*x organs and s*x in particular. 

Epistemology is the study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
It answers the question, “How do we know?” It encompasses the nature of concepts, the constructing of concepts, the validity of the sense, logical reasoning, as well as thoughts, ideas, memories, emotions, and all the things mental. It is concerned with how our minds are related to reality, and whether theses relationships are valid or invalid.
The social institutions are necessary in understanding the nature of society because they constitute basic on social units of the total structure. These institutions as already indicated include family, government, marriage and kinship
Computer technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate in today’s market. Companies that rely upon computer technology advances to support their business are often unaware of the impacts that technology can have on business disputes and the extent to which computer advances have altered the legal landscape. By better understanding the changing landscape, business can more effectively prepare to confront litigation, protect business interests, and minimize the effect of legal disputes on daily operations?. 
How many times have you heard someone whine, "Judge not, that ye be not judged?" This verse of Scripture from Matthew 7:1 is often quoted out of context by people who are terrified at the idea of someone preaching against sin or pointing out any form of error in anyone, especially in themselves.
As I stood in a voting line one day I overheard a woman justifying her foolish choice for president by saying, "Well, we aren't supposed to judge." Imagine that! Choosing NOT to judge a political candidate on election day! No wonder our nation is in such a mess!
As for Matthew 7:1, the context (verses 1-5) allows judging after you have first judged YOURSELF. Jesus did not make a blanket statement against judgment. He simply pointed out a RULE for judging.
Now, the word "judge" in its various forms (judgeth, judging, judgment, judges, etc) is found over 700 times in God's word. One whole book of the Bible is titled "Judges" for it was written at a time when God raised up judges to lead His people.
As we are about to see, God EXPECTS His people to judge. In fact, you are sinning against God if you refuse to judge! (Read that again, please)

Do you ever get to where every day feels like Monday? Or, you think that it's Friday, only to learn that it's Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday? Are you convinced it's nearly 5 pm, and discover that it's only 3.00?
If you do, chances are that you've been overworking for some considerable time. Oh, you may not feel that you're overworked; but loss of motivation is a tell-tale sign that this is the case, especially if for you work is play, and play is work. If you love your work, it's all too easy to think you're relaxing, when in fact you're working.


Monday, June 03, 2013
Posted by Unknown
 The disclosure in a recent report by the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) which puts the number of Nigerian graduates who completed the compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) within the last five years but have remained unemployed at over 200,000 is appalling. Considering that this figure does not include those who did not enjoy tertiary education during the period but are equally unemployed, the situation demands immediate action by governments at all levels.


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