Posted by : Unknown Monday, December 05, 2011

It's inevitable that at some point in our lives, we'll face failure and disappointment. It could be in our relationships, careers, business, studies, a driving test and so on. The most important thing is being able to move forward from that situation and not giving up on your goal, if it's something you truly desire. Know that it's okay to even change direction. If you're facing failure and disappointment, try these steps to help you move forward.

1) Grieve and then pick yourself up

It's alright to be sad and to wallow in self-pity. But just for a day. You do not want to keep yourself in that state for long because each day presents a chance for you to start over and improve your life. Just because you failed at something does not make you a failure as a person. Distinguish between the two. You can fail at something today, then succeed at it tomorrow. There's always another chance. And you will take it. So once you've wiped off your tears and eaten a whole tub of ice-cream, it's time to start afresh.

2) Take stock

It's important to look at how you that situation unfolded. Could you have done things differently? You need to be brutally honest with yourself here. If you messed up, then accept responsibility. You want to learn as much as you can from that experience to avoid making similar mistakes. There's a lot of information on the internet from where you can learn how other people handle similar situations.

3) Go back to the drawing board

Now that you know how things went wrong and have drawn lessons from it, it's time to make a fresh plan. This time you'll incorporate the lessons you've learned or find a totally different approach which may work better. If there are some weaknesses on your part, find out how you can strengthen them.

4) Take action

Don't hesitate to take action because you fear failure again.Look at it this way, if you act, your chances of success are 50%. But if you do nothing, your chances of success are zero. Do the math. Get inspiration from people like Thomas Edison, the light bulb inventor. He failed so many times but each failure was just one step away from success.

And the fact that you've failed before means you're actively engaged in life. And that's to be commended.

Chin up.

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