Posted by : Unknown Monday, June 24, 2013

As the reproductive organs in the body of a child begin to function, the child develops new interest in matters of s^x and new sensations relative to the reproductive organs (S^x Organs) are very sensitive to stimulation. The mere handling of these organs causes them to respond by a readiness for s*xual activity.

The term masturbation is common among the males and it is developed from the adolescent stage of life whereby a child is dared to know more about the s*x organs and s*x in particular. 
This takes us to the main point;
 What is Masturbation?
 Masturbation is a process whereby one arouses oneself by fondling the s*x organ in order to achieve or derive s*xual pleasure.
Masturbation is the habit of artificially stimulating the external reproductive organs.  
Although people masturbate get relieved off s*xual urge and nervous tensions, it is a dangerous habit which is developed without the person’s knowledge or consent. Masturbating is an exciting experience, which if indulged in; there is an urge or desire to practice again. It has been established at the scientific level that is not necessary for a young adult to give expressions of his or her urge in order to live normally and healthfully. Nature makes adequate provision for the release of s*xual tension in a young adult through the normally occurring seminal emissions. Thus, there is no justification for masturbation.
Furthermore, certain consequences of the practice of masturbation are definitely detrimental.
From the above insight on masturbation, let’s take a look at the consequences of masturbation. 

Consequences of Masturbation: 
·         Masturbation squanders one’s reserved of nervous energy. This interferes with the person’s application to study, energy for sports and zest for wholesome activities. 
·          Masturbation has effect on a young person’s self-esteem. This habit is typically practised in solitude or in company with someone else who has similar interest, a young person finds it hard to mingle with people. 
·         Masturbation is associated psychologically with the fear of discovery and not humiliation. This robs a person off the ability to square his shoulders and face life without apology or embarrassment.
·         Masturbation results in the formation of a dominant habit which tends to control ones conduct in spite of his desire otherwise. Once the habit is established, the day’s events seen to centre on the opportunity to masturbate.  
·         The establishment of any habit, particularly one as demanding as masturbation robs a person of his ability to be in command of his own affairs. In this sense, masturbation does as great damage to the personality as does drug addiction or smoking or the use of liquor.
·         Masturbation interferes with an ideal adjustment in marriage. The habit of masturbation actually rests on a selfish motive – the desire to obtain personal pleasure of the moment. In marriage by contrast, the greatest pleasure is derived from the physical expressions of love when each partner is unselfishly concerned with the others pleasure and comfort.
Not only outlining the consequences, but now we come to the practical question which a parent needs to have answered.  
How can I keep my child, at the threshold period of life from establishing a habit of masturbation?
·         The fist phase to answer requires that there be congenial relationship between parent and child by which, as a part of the rewards of companionship, the child has confidence in the parent and will accept his counsel as reliable and valid.
·         Second, a parent should inform his/her child, step by step as the child’s intellectual capacity increases, regarding the organs of his body, their functions, and the means of caring for them well. In doing include the s*x organs also.
·         A third means of helping the child is to arrange his daily programme in such a manner as to keep him so active and interested in whole some pursuits that time will not weigh heavily on his hands. A lonely child with nothing to do is an easy candidate for s*xual experimentation. But the child with a reasonable amount of work to do, an interest in sports, and fascinating hobbies to occupy his spare time, will not be easily tempted to experiment with s*x.
·         Still another suggestion is to help the child choose carefully friends from his age. Many a child, whose attitudes have been wholesome, has already established the habit and who has an urge to share the experience with someone else.
In conclusion, measures should be made again of the greatest influence of all in guiding a child of the threshold period safely over the pitfalls of adolescence–the parents’ example. As expressed in incidental remarks and even in unspoken attitudes, this practical demonstration gives a child his clue for a code of conduct. A child discern, even without receiving direct counsel  on the matter, whether his parents consider the intimate phases of life to be pure and lovely or whether they consider questionable conduct.
The parent who makes slurring remarks about womanhood, who enjoys off-colour jokes, or who follows a double standard of living as far as his own marriage is concerned, is unconsciously preparing his child to follow an immoral way of life. But the parent who is sincere in his appreciation of beauty and purity and who has an honest respect for the sacredness of the human body will transmit theses attitudes to the child. Then the child will develop, other factors being favourable, a similar appreciation for life’s values.

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