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Grammar proofreading is something that most of us neglect to do when we have University term papers to write. The majority of students perform essay proofreading in the last twelve hours before their paper is due to be turned in. The result of these truths is that the majority of term papers, essays, and research papers receive grades lower than they should have because of simple grammatical errors.
The most common mistakes found during essay proofreading
When you are writing you have to keep the written word in the same tense throughout the paper. People often switch in and out of past and present tense when they are writing without realizing they have done so. When they read what they have written their minds play tricks on them and they do not see the tense variations. When other people read the papers the tense variations jump out at them and cause the paper to be considered to be lower in quality.
Read More... Common Grammar Mistakes People Make